
Department Chair and Associate Professor
B.S., Seton Hall University, Ph.D., New Jersey Institute of Technology
Research Interests: Laser-material interactions, Pulsed Laser Ablation in Liquids (PLAL), laser-based nanoparticle synthesis techniques, nano-scale multiferroics.

B.A., Reed College, Ph.D., University of California – Santa Barbara
Research Interests: Computational biophysics, particularly dynamics of ion channels and other signaling proteins, as well as free energies of ligand-protein interactions.
Hong Fang
Office: JHSC 120
Phone: TBA

Assistant Professor
B.S., East China Normal University and Bielefeld Universität, Ph.D., Tongji University and University of Cambridge
Research Interests: Computational design, development, and understanding of advanced materials and interfaces for renewable energy and sustainability.

Assistant Professor
B.S., Seton Hall University, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Research Interests: Nanoparticle functionalization and light-activation.
Hunter King
Office: JHSC 216D
Phone: 856-225-6781
Assistant Professor
B.S. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, M.S. Bogazici University, Istanbul, PhD University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Research Interests:
Assistant Teaching Professor
B.S., University of Science and Technology of China, Ph.D., Boston College
Research Interests: Computational Condensed Matter Physics, particularly Plasmonics and Electron-Phonon Interactions.
Assistant Teaching Professor, Lab Coordinator
B.S., Rutgers University-Camden, M.S., Rutgers University-Newark, Ph.D., Rutgers University-Newark
Affiliated Faculty
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
B.S., M.S., Zhejiang University, Ph.D., Arizona State University
Research Interests: Bionanotechnology, Biocatalysis and Spatially Interactive Biomolecular Networks.
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
B.Sc., Université Laval, M.Sc., Université de Sherbrooke, Ph.D., Université de Montréal
Research Interests: Molecular modeling & recognition, enzyme catalysis, membrane transport computational biophysics, machine learning.
Associate Professor, Department of Biology
B.A., B.S., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Research Interests: Bacterial pathogenesis and microbial adhesion.
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry
B.S., University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez, M.S., Villanova University, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Research Interests: Biomaterials (polysaccharides and proteins), ionic liquids, morphology, X-ray scattering, biobatteries, scaffolds, filtration membranes.
Adjunct Faculty
Part-time Lecturer
B.S.M.E., Villanova University, M.S.M.S., Villanova University
Administrative Staff
Kelly Esterly
Office: BSB 322
Email: kelly.esterly@rutgers.edu
Phone: (856) 225-6077

Departmental Secretary